Sun Da Rd. near Shi Yan Public School

Hybrid soundscape of Sun Da Rd. near Shi Yan Public School: It is located in the northwest of Yangtai Mountain Forest Park. The main sounds is the sound of cars on weekday morning, while early weekday mornings are dominated by birdsong interspersed with the sound of cars. The location presents a hybrid soundscape mixed with the sound of bird singing and noisy cars on weekday mornings. 


Surrounding main wildlife:, birds.

Acoustic characteristics of the sound on weekday: LAeq changes rhythmically with time between 55 to 80 dBA with time, reaching up to 90 dBA. The dominate sound is the one with the low and high frequency bands. Meanwhile, the sound has slight vibration in the high frequency bands. Audibility perception is different between left and right ear in the high frequency band, showing the natural sound here has direction attribute.

  • 1
    Sounds of a Workday Morning
  • 2
    Sounds of a Workday Afternoon
  • 3
    Sounds of a Workday Night
  • 4
    Sounds of a Weekday Early Morning
  • 5
    Sounds of a Weekday Afternoon
  • 6
    Sounds of a Weekday Nightfall