Ying Ren Shi Rd. in Yang Tai Mountain

Hybrid soundscape of Ying Ren Shi Rd. in Yang Tai Mountain: It is located at the west of Yangtai Mountain Forest Park. The main sounds are birds singing and cicadas chirping in the mornings on weekdays, while in the afternoons of rest days, the sound of cars and people's conversations dominate. The place presents a hybrid soundscape with the sound of life, cars, birds, frogs, barking dogs and cicadas in the afternoons of weekends.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, cicades, frogs.

Acoustic characteristic of weekend: LAeq changes dramatically over time between 45 to 60 dBA over time, reaching up to 70 dBA. The sound level is characterized by the combination of mechanical and living sounds. The dominate sound is the one with the low and high frequency bands. Meanwhile, the sound has slight vibration in the middle and high frequency bands. There is a significant time delay in the low frequency band between the left and right ears, reflecting the mechanical sounds here has direction attribute.

  • 1
    Sounds of a Workday Afternoon 1
  • 2
    Sounds of a Workday Afternoon 2
  • 3
    Sounds of a Workday Nightfall
  • 4
    Sounds of a Weekday Afternoon
  • 5
    Sounds of a Weekday Nightfall