Jiang Ling Community near Tian Xin Mountain

Hybrid soundscape of Jiang Ling Community near Tian Xin Mountain: The place is located at the foot of Tianxin Mountain. Most of the time, the main sounds are the sounds of birds, insects,cars,and activity. The road of lush trees presents a hybrid soundscape of birds chirping and insects chirping, mixing with the sound of conversation and cars. The community in the mountains presents a hybrid soundscape of birds and insects, sometimes the noise of cars and life.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, dogs, spiders.

Acoustic characteristics of the sound on weekend:  LAeq varies drastically with time between 40 and 50dBA and up to 65dBA. The dominant sound here is the one with a complete frequency band, displaying drastic vibrations in mid-to high frequency domain. At the time, the sound of cars in the distance reflects the urban atmosphere. Audibility perception appears to be same between left and right ear, showing the sound has no clear direction attribute. It displays the characteristic of the suburban hybrid soundscape.

  • 1
    Sounds of a Workday Morning
  • 2
    Sounds of a Workday Afternoon
  • 3
    Sounds of a Weekday Morning
  • 4
    Sounds of a Weekday Night