Ban Shan Sea View Villa Community

Hybrid soundscape of Location A/Hybrid soundscape of Ban Shan Sea View Villa Community: It is located in the southeast of Nanshan Park . The main sounds are the sounds of traffic bird singing, cicada chirping, and people's conversation. The location presents a hybrid soundscape mixed with 

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, cicadas. butterflies.

Acoustic characteristics of the sound on weekday: LAeq is around 60dBA. The sound level varies rhythmically with time. The dominant sound here consists of both high and low frequency bands, with some high frequency sounds present. High, mid, and low frequency sound vibration is evident; while the difference in audibility delay between the left and right ears is not obvious, reflecting the sound here lacks a clear direction attribute.

    Location A

Hybrid soundscape of Location A/Hybrid soundscape of Ban Shan Sea View Villa Community: It is located in the southeast of Nanshan Park . The main sounds are the sounds of traffic bird singing, cicada chirping, and people's conversation. The location presents a hybrid soundscape mixed with 

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, cicadas. butterflies.

Acoustic characteristics of the sound on weekday: LAeq is around 60dBA. The sound level varies rhythmically with time. The dominant sound here consists of both high and low frequency bands, with some high frequency sounds present. High, mid, and low frequency sound vibration is evident; while the difference in audibility delay between the left and right ears is not obvious, reflecting the sound here lacks a clear direction attribute.

  • 1
      Sounds of a Workday Early Morning
  • 2
    Sounds of a Workday Morning
  • 3
    Sounds of a Weekday Morning 1
  • 4
    Sounds of a Weekday Morning 2
  • 5
    Sounds of a Weekday Afternoon
    Location B

Hybrid soundscape of Location B/Hybrid soundscape of Location B in Ban Shan Sea View Villa Community: It is located  in the southeast of Nanshan Park . Most of the time, the main sounds are the sounds of traffic bird singing, cicada chirping, and people's conversation. The location presents a hybrid soundscape mixed with bird singing, cicada chirping, and the noise of traffic.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, cicadas.

Acoustic characteristics of the sound on weekend: LAeq fluctuates between 55 to 70 dBA. The rhythm of the sound is not strong. The dominant sound here is the one consists of high, middle, and low frequency bands, with high vibration in high frequency band. There is a time delay of audibility perception between the left and right ear, reflecting the sound here has direction attribute.

  • 1
    Sounds of a Workday Morning 1
  • 2
    Sounds of a Workday Morning 2
  • 3
    Sounds of a Workday Nightfall
  • 4
    Sounds of a Weekday Morning 1
  • 5
    Sounds of a Weekday Morning 2
  • 6
    Sounds of a Weekday Nightfall