Luyan scientific research line

Location B/Location B in Luyan scientific research line: It is located on the resting platform of Luyan scientific research line.  Most of the time is dominated by birds and cicadas sounds. It presents a natural soundscape of birds twittering and insect singing on the winding paths with a breeze.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, crickets, longicorns. 

Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: the common sound occuring here is low frequency sound, usually having  rhythmical variation with an equivalent level of 40 dBA. Here,  Besides, rare middle to high frequency sounds has big fluctuation. Besides, there is unequal energy perception in the left and right ears, reflecting the sound has a clear direction.

Location B

Location B/Location B in Luyan scientific research line: It is located on the resting platform of Luyan scientific research line.  Most of the time is dominated by birds and cicadas sounds. It presents a natural soundscape of birds twittering and insect singing on the winding paths with a breeze.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, crickets, longicorns. 

Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: the common sound occuring here is low frequency sound, usually having  rhythmical variation with an equivalent level of 40 dBA. Here,  Besides, rare middle to high frequency sounds has big fluctuation. Besides, there is unequal energy perception in the left and right ears, reflecting the sound has a clear direction.

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    sounds of noon in weekday
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    sounds of afternoon in weekday
Location C

Location C/Location C in Luyan scientific research line: It is located on the mountain road of  Luyan scientific research line. Most of the time is dominated by birds and insects sounds. It presents a lively natural soundscape with insect chirping under the scorching sun in the green grass of the mountain path. 

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, crickets, cicadas. 

Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: LAeq varied rhythmically around 50 dB, with more high frequency sounds containing high energy but a clear direction.

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     sounds of early morning in weekday-1
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    sounds of late afternoon in weekday
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    sounds of evening in weekday