Shan Shui Residential Area

Hybrid soundscape of Shan Shui Residential Area :It is located in the north of Lilin Park. The sound of birds and cicadas is dominant in the early morning on weekends, while the sound of traffic mixed with people's talking is dominant in the afternoon. The location presents a hybrid soundscape mixed with bird singing, cicada chirping, noisy traffic on weekend afternoon.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, cicadas, spiders.

Acoustic characteristics of the sound on weekday: LAeq varies drastically between 50 and 70dBA and has rhythm. The dominant sound here is the one with a complete frequency band, while high and middle frequency sound have strong vibration. The certain time difference between the left and right ear indicates that the sound has direction attribute.

  • 1
    Sounds of a Workday Early Morning
  • 2
    Sounds of a Workday Noon
  • 3
    Sounds of a Workday Night
  • 4
    Sounds of a Weekday Early Morning
  • 5
    Sounds of a Weekday Morning
  • 6
    Sounds of a Weekday Night