Dongyu Comunity

Location A/Location A in Dongyu Community: It is located in the East Fishing Village community.Most of the time is dominated by birds and insects sounds.The fish village quiets with water rippling, accompanied by bird twittering and insect singing.


Surrounding main wildlife: cicadas, bird, grasshopper, butterfly  


Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: LAeq varied regularly between 50dB to 60dB, more high frequency sounds with high variation but not a clear direction.

    Location A

Location A/Location A in Dongyu Community: It is located in the East Fishing Village community.Most of the time is dominated by birds and insects sounds.The fish village quiets with water rippling, accompanied by bird twittering and insect singing.

Surrounding main wildlife: cicadas, bird, grasshopper, butterfly  

Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: LAeq varied regularly between 50dB to 60dB, more high frequency sounds with high variation but not a clear direction.

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    Location C

Location C/Location C in Dongyu Community: It is located at the junction of Dongyu Village Dock. Most of the time is dominated by birds and insects sounds. It presents a natural soundscape with water rippling and bird twittering.

 Surrounding main wildlife: cicadas, birds, frogs, butterflies. 

 Acoustic characteristics of holiday sounds: LAeq varied regularly between 40dB to 50dB, with more high frequency sounds of high variations, sharp peaks and clear direction. 

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    sounds of early morning in weekday
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    sounds of morning in weekday-1
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    sounds of morning in weekday-2
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    sounds of afternoon in weekday
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    sounds of evening in weekday
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    sounds of early morning in holiday