Dong Da Rd.

The hybrid soundscape at B location in Dong Da Rd.: It is located at the Dong da Road on the east side of Dongyu Village. The majority sounds in most of the time are hybrid sounds mixed bird chirping, cicadas noising, and car passing, presenting an aural scenario of a colorful rural view.

Surrounding main wildlife: cicadas, bird.  

Acoustic characteristics of weekend: LAeq is around 73dBA. The sound level changes less with time. The dominant sound here is the one with a complete frequency band. Audibility perception is different between the left and right ear, showing the sound has direction attribute.

Location B

The hybrid soundscape at B location in Dong Da Rd.: It is located at the Dong da Road on the east side of Dongyu Village. The majority sounds in most of the time are hybrid sounds mixed bird chirping, cicadas noising, and car passing, presenting an aural scenario of a colorful rural view.

Surrounding main wildlife: cicadas, bird.  

Acoustic characteristics of weekend: LAeq is around 73dBA. The sound level changes less with time. The dominant sound here is the one with a complete frequency band. Audibility perception is different between the left and right ear, showing the sound has direction attribute.

  • 1
    Sounds of a Workday Early Morning 1
  • 2
    Sounds of a Workday Morning 2
  • 3
    Sounds of a Workday Afternoon
  • 4
    Sounds of a weekend Early Morning
  • 5
    Sounds of a weekend morning
  • 6
    Sounds of a Weekend night
Location D

Hybrid soundscape of Location D/Hybrid soundscape of Dong Da Rd.: The place is located in front of Starry Sky Hotel on the east side of East Fishing Village . The majority sounds in most of the time are the sounds of activity, bird singing, cicada chirping, and noisy traffic. The grassy streets presents an aural scenario mixed with activity, bird singing, cicada chirping, and noisy traffic.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, insects.

Acoustic characteristics of the sound on weekday: LAeq fluctuates drastically around 60dBA and up to 80dBA. The dominant sound here is the one with a complete frequency band, displaying distinctive vibrations in frequency domain. There is time delay between the left and right ear in high and middle frequency bands, indicating the high and middle frequency bands of the sound here has direction attribute. 

  • 1
    Sounds of a Workday Morning
  • 2
    Sounds of a Workday lunchtime
  • 3
    Sounds of a weekend morning
  • 4
    Sounds of a weekend afternoon
  • 5
    Sounds of a Weekend night 1
  • 6
    Sounds of a Weekend night 2