Luzui Heights Valley

Location A/Location A in Luzui Heights Valley: It is located at the high mountain corner of Dapeng New Area. Most of the time is dominated by wind, flowing water sounds. A natural soundscape with surging waves, twittering birds and singing insects.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, cicadas, insects.

Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: LAeq is around 50dB, with more low and middle frequency sounds. Except for high frequency sounds (see the figure below), sounds in other frequency ranges lack a clear direction.

Location A

Location A/Location A in Luzui Heights Valley: It is located at the high mountain corner of Dapeng New Area. Most of the time is dominated by wind, flowing water sounds. A natural soundscape with surging waves, twittering birds and singing insects.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, cicadas, insects.

Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: LAeq is around 50dB, with more low and middle frequency sounds. Except for high frequency sounds (see the figure below), sounds in other frequency ranges lack a clear direction.

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Location B

Location B/Location B in Luzui Heights Valley: It is located at the high mountain corner of Dapeng New Area. Most of the time is dominated by birds, cicadas and waves sounds. It presents a natural soundscape of waves hitting the reef at the rocky cliffs.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds,crickets, cicadas.

Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: LAeq varies regularly between 40dB to 60dB, with more high, middle and low frequency sound(20-15K Hz).Low frequency sounds is directional and the difference between left and right ear hearing is more obvious.

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Location C

Location C/Location C in Luzui Heights Valley: It is located at the high mountain corner of Dapeng New Area. Most of the time is dominated by waves, wind and insects sounds. It presents a natural soundscape of surging waves, twittering birds and singing insects.

Surrounding main wildlife: birds, crickets.

Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: LAeq varies regularly between 40dB to 60dB, with more low frequency sound containing high energy. Overall, the direction of the sound is unclear.

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