Luzui Dock

Location A/Location A in Luzui Dock: It is located at the junction of Luzui Dock. Most of the time is dominated by birds and insects sounds. A natural soundscape where the gentle whisper of waves is accompanied by bird twittering and insects singing.


 Surrounding main wildlife: dragonflies, birds, crickets. 


Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: LAeq varied significantly between 40dB to 70dB, more low frequency sounds with high variation and a clear direction. 

Location A

Location A/Location A in Luzui Dock: It is located at the junction of Luzui Dock. Most of the time is dominated by birds and insects sounds. A natural soundscape where the gentle whisper of waves is accompanied by bird twittering and insects singing.

 Surrounding main wildlife: dragonflies, birds, crickets. 

Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: LAeq varied significantly between 40dB to 70dB, more low frequency sounds with high variation and a clear direction. 

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    Location D

Location D/Location D in Luzui Dock:It is located on the path of Luzui Dock. Most of the time is dominated by  birds and wind sounds.A natural soundscape unfolds with birds twittering, amidst rolling hills and gentle breezes.

Surrounding main wildlife: cicadas, dragonflies, birds, crickets.

Acoustic characteristics of weekday sounds: LAeq varied regularly between 40dB to 60dB. Here, the mid-to-low frequency sounds have high energy, which reflects dominance at the location,accompanied by a significant difference in sound energy between the left and right ears. Overall, the sound at this location has a clear direction.

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    sounds of evening in holiday