Entrance Sq. of Hong Hu Park

The hybrid soundscape in Entrance Sq. of Hong Hu Park: It is located on Wenjin North Road. Most of the time, the main sounds are the sounds of activity, traffic, and cicada chirping. It presents a hybrid soundscape mixed with the sound of life, traffic and cicada chirping at the bustling streets.

Surrounding main wildlife: cicadas.


Acoustic characteristics on weekends: LAeq is between 65 to 80dBA and it changes violently with time. The dominant sound here is the one with middle and low frequency, characterized by distinctive vibration in middle frequency domain. The sound of traffic is more prominent. The difference of time delay in Audibility perception between left and right ear hearing is not obvious, indicating that the sound here lacks a clear direction attribute.

  • 1
    Sounds of a Workday Afternoon
  • 2
    Sounds of a Workday Nightfall
  • 3
    Sounds of a Weekday Morning